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Peer Review Process

All manuscripts will be evaluated by three peer reviewers who are selected by the editors. The acceptance criteria for all papers are based on the quality and originality of the research and its clinical and scientific significance. After receiving two or more reviewer’s comments and recommendations, an initial decision will normally be made within 4 weeks after the agreement of review by the reviewers, and reviewers the reviewers’ comments will then be sent to the corresponding authors. Revised manuscripts must be submitted online by the corresponding author. The corresponding author must indicate the alterations that have been made in response to the reviewers’ comments item by item in a response note. Failure to resubmit the revised manuscript within 4 weeks of the editorial decision is regarded as a withdrawal. The editorial office should be notified if additional time is needed or if an author chooses not to submit a revision. The editorial committee makes decisions concerning minor revision, resubmit (major revision), and acceptance or rejection upon two or more reviewer’s comments (and recommendations). Before proceeds a review process, all manuscripts will be briefly reviewed by a Managing Editor to check the validity of the manuscripts (pre review process) and the editor may request the authors some editing of the manuscripts including redrawing of figures or changing the paper's format or the order of the manuscript etc.

Manuscript evaluations are assigned one of four outcomes:

  • Accept: An Accept with no revision means that the submission is perfect and there are no suggestions for improvement. The paper is ready for publication.
  • Minor Revision: A Minor revision should be only be used for papers that have a clear contribution, and there are only small changes that need to be made to make the paper ready for publication. A minor revision usually means that only textual changes are needed. For minor revision, only the Editor will need to validate that the revised paper has adequately met the suggested changes.
  • Resubmit: The classification Resubmit is used when a paper shows that it might have a potential contribution and the topic is of interest to JICCE, but not enough information is provided in the submission to determine this. The resubmission will go through a faster review process to determine if it should be accepted or rejected.
  • Reject: This rating is used when the submission is off topic for JICCE, it is an incremental contribution over prior art, or a more complete submission is needed to better evaluate the ideas presented. The authors can revise, run new experiments, and decide to potentially submit to JICCE at a later date. If submitted again to JICCE, it will be treated as a new submission.

Authors can track the progress of a manuscript on the journal's website. Articles that are accepted for publication are moved from the “Manuscripts Accepted” to the “Manuscripts in Publication” section of the journal's website.

Dec 31, 2024 Vol.22 No.4, pp. 267~343

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Editorial Office

Journal of Information and Communication Convergence Engineering Jouranl of information and
communication convergence engineering
(J. Inf. Commun. Converg. Eng.)

eISSN 2234-8883
pISSN 2234-8255