Journal of information and communication convergence engineering 2018; 16(4): 235-241
Published online December 31, 2018
© Korea Institute of Information and Communication Engineering
Recently, deep learning has been actively studied and applied in various fields even to novel writing and painting in ways we could not imagine before. A key feature is that high-performance computing device, especially CUDA-enabled GPU, supports this trend. Researchers who have difficulty accessing such systems fall behind in this fast-changing trend. In this study, we propose and implement a library called Emulearner that helps users to utilize Emulab with ease. Emulab is a research framework equipped with up to thousands of nodes developed by the University of Utah. To use Emulab nodes for deep learning requires a lot of human interactions, however. To solve this problem, Emulearner completely automates operations from authentication of Emulab log-in, node creation, configuration of deep learning to training. By installing Emulearner with a legitimate Emulab account, users can focus on their research on deep learning without hassle.
Keywords Deep Learning, Distributed Learning, Emulab
Artificial intelligence is intelligence created by a machine whereby a computer enables human learning, thinking, and self-development so that it has a similar intelligence than a person [1]. In order to create such an artificial intelligence, artificial neural network is utilized to imitate the decision process of the human brain.
To create a sophisticated artificial neural network, the data is repeatedly computed according to the layer of the artificial neural network to improve the accuracy. For this reason, graphical processing units (GPUs) that perform simple operations with a larger number of cores show faster learning time than CPUs that perform sequential operations using a limited number of cores. However, if there are only GPUs without CUDA, one cannot but use CPU. Even in an environment that depends on the CPU, the learning time can be shortened by constructing the cluster environment and performing the learning in parallel. However, not everyone can build a parallel/distributed environment on his or her own.
To solve these problems, one can use cloud-based machine learning services like Amazon Web Service (AWS) Deep Learning AMI (Amazon Machine Image), Microsoft Azure Machine Learning, IBM Watson, and Google Cloud Machine Learning Engine [2-5]. AWS Deep Learning AMI helps users run various deep learning applications by providing many open source deep learning frameworks such as Apache MXnet, TensorFlow, Microsoft Cognitive Toolkit (CNTK), Caffe, Caffe2, Theano, Torch, Keras, etc. Azure Machine Learning uses the drag-and-drop approach, not necessary to typing commands. In IBM Watson equipped with many tools like TensorFlow, Keras, PyTorch, and Caffe, users can also compose their own neural networks via the drag-and-drop user interface. The biggest advantage of Google Cloud Machine Learning Engine is to train learning models by using other Google services such as Google Cloud Storage, Dataflow, and Datalab. In addition, by using hyperparameter tuning, the selection of important parameters that affect the machine learning algorithm performance can be optimized. However, since these free functions of the services are limited, it costs a lot to solve real problems using all the functions and resources of the service.
To alleviate this burden, we propose to use Emulab, which was proposed and implemented at the University of Utah and is currently in use throughout the world as a research framework [6]. KREONet in Korea has also built and operated an Emulab, and it has been used in education and research [7]. Emulab provides on-demand allocation of the OS environment and network settings that users want using hundreds of PCs and high-performance network switches. Users who already have an account in Emulab can use the cluster by allocating resources for a short time without having to build their own physical clusters.
However, the use of Emulab in the area of deep learning needs a lot of human interactions because researchers need to configure all nodes separately for every experiment. It is almost impossible to use Emulab as is. To solve this problem, we propose and implement a user library, called
This paper is organized as follows. Section II briefly describes TensorFlow. Section III explains in details how to use Emulab for deep learning. Section IV describes the implementation of
TensorFlow is an open source machine learning library developed by the Google brain team for the purpose of studying machine learning and deep neural network [8, 9]. The TensorFlow library provides two distributed learning techniques called Data and Model parallelism. The Data parallelism divides training data and shares parameters. The Model replicas send to a parameter server the slope gained from each train. The parameter server that receives the slope data merges and updates the slope data, allowing the model replicas to update the new parameter data. The cycle in which data must be transferred between different devices is longer than the Model parallelism, and each replica can learn independently of other replicas.
In contrast, the Model parallelism method divides the parameters and shares the training data among nodes. In this model, the weight needed for computation during forward and back propagation must be communicated through the machine. Therefore, it is considered that the Model parallelism is suitable for an environment where data is exchanged between GPU devices rather than network-based data exchange. Therefore, in our study, we chose the Data parallelism because the KREONet Emulab exchanges data by using network.
This section describes how to use Emulab for deep learning resource pool. Especially, we describe the procedure for using TensorFlow, which many people use for deep learning, in many nodes of Emulab. This procedure will be helpful for people who use TensorFlow in Emulab in the future, but it is also the reason why we developed the library we propose in this study.
The steps for using Emulab are as follows: obtain an Emulab account; request the necessary resources using the Emulab web GUI; connect to the reserved nodes, and run Tensorflow. For an Emulab account, a researcher needs to find a preferred Emulab system and sends a request to its administrator. After the request is granted, he or she will get an ID.
The procedure for requesting the necessary resources through the Emulab web GUI is as follows. First, the researcher visits the Emulab web page and starts by logging in with the ID and password. Emulab allocates resources in experiment units, so the researcher needs to create an experiment by clicking “Begin an Experiment” as shown in Fig. 1. The experiment creation page appears (Fig. 2). Then, it is necessary to select Project and enter the experiment name and a brief description. According to our measurements, researchers spend an average of 38.88 seconds from visiting Emulab web page to inputting the experiment’s description.
The next step is to click on the NetBuild GUI to draw the nodes with their operating systems, and the network topology. On the left, node and LAN are the resources to choose from (Fig. 3). The researcher will drag and drop as many nodes and LAN as he wants into the central pane. Then, when he clicks a component and drags it to another component, a direct link is formed between the two components, so he connects the components until he configures the desired topology. Learning performance may vary depending on the topology, but because the topic is out of the scope of this study, we only add nodes without a topology. IP is still assigned even if no topology is used, and it can be accessed internally or externally. According to our measurements, the time required to add one node is 1.19 seconds on average, and the total overhead increases proportionally as the number of nodes increases.
Then, when the researcher clicks on the bottom right “create experiment”, Emulab finds available nodes, loads the operating system, and allocates new IPs. When the experiment creation is complete, the experiment becomes active and is now ready to access each node. Note that, as the number of active experiments continues to increase, all resources will be eventually assigned and new experiments will no longer be possible. To prevent this, Emulab recovers all resources that were assigned to the experiment kept idle for a certain period of time and changes the state of the experiment to inactive. Emulab calls it swap-out. Conversely, it is called swap-in to reallocate resources required for an inactive experiment by a user's request.
The reason why Emulab’s swap-out and swap-in is related to this study is that each researcher must visit Emulab homepage using a web browser to log in and create a new experiment or reactivate an existing experiment at every deep learning experiment. This means that the human's configuration overhead occurs every time because the researcher needs a visual interaction with a keyboard or mouse for each experiment. This is a significant inconvenience to researchers when conducting many experiments simultaneously or sequentially.
The next step is to visit each node and prepare to install TensorFlow. For this, the researcher collects first newly-allocated IP information.
The researcher clicks on an active experiment’s link to see a list of reserved nodes (Fig. 4). By clicking a node ID link, he can see the details of the selected node (Fig. 5). According to our measurements, it takes about 6.73 seconds to check the IP of one node and copy and paste it to an editor program, and the total overhead increases proportionally as the number of nodes increases.
Note that IP allocation cannot be predicted in advance because it depends on the IP available when generating experiments. If a swap-out experiment is swapped in, the number of nodes, the network topology, and the operating system version are the same, but the IP is newly allocated. In other words, the researcher must check the IP every time a new experiment is performed, and the IP information collection time increases in proportion to the number of nodes.
The next thing to do is to install the TensorFlow package on each node. Because Emulab loads a clean operating system image, all necessary tools must be installed by the researcher. According to the TensorFlow installation manual, it is necessary to install python-dev and python-pip [10, 11]. python-dev is a package containing the header files needed to build Python extensions, and python-pip is a package management system for managing and installing software packages written in Python. Fig. 6 shows the TensorFlow installation command.
The time required to log in to a node and enter the above setup command takes an average of 16.40 seconds. This is the time to enter the install command, not the installation time. Since this task has to be repeated in all nodes, the working time increases in proportion to the number of nodes. The important thing is that in Emulab’s swap-out and swapin process, all the information installed on each node disappears and the clean image is reloaded. The overhead of entering this script is repeated at the number of nodes at every experiment.
At this point, we found that in using Emulab for deep learning, researchers would not find it useful to reuse existing experiments that were swapped out. The reason for this is that swap-in has almost no advantages over a new creation of experiment, because all the information installed on each node disappears and the clean image is reloaded during swap-out and swap-in. Other studies that use Emulab often compare network topologies, so reconfiguring swap-in nodes may occasion less overhead than redrawing the network topology. However, for data parallelism in deep learning, topology is not important, only IP is necessary. Also, it is beneficial to visit the Emulab web page and use the available nodes as much as possible to get the training done quickly. Therefore, it is not necessary to use an experiment with a specific number of nodes. So, from now on, we assume that both researchers and libraries will create new experiments instead of using swap-out ones.
The data needed for experiment is uploaded to Emulab’s file server only once and all nodes share it. Therefore, we do not consider the file upload overhead.
The next step for running TensorFlow adds the assigned IP and port number to the TensorFlow script. Port numbers can be any available port number, since these systems are clean OS, so any port greater than 1023 is not a big problem. For example, Fig. 7 is part of the TensorFlow script used in this study. Five nodes were allocated as one for parameter server and four nodes for worker nodes. Since this file is shared by all nodes, this editing is performed once for each experiment. The time to add one IP information using the editor is on average 4.45 seconds, and the editing time increases as the number of nodes increases.
Training starts by running the program edited above with the appropriate option as shown in Fig. 8. The time to visit each node and input the execution script is about 18.77 seconds, and the start overhead is proportional to the number of nodes since all nodes must be visited.
In the previous section, we showed that there are various overheads to utilize Emulab for deep learning. Although detailed overhead analysis will be described in the next section, let us take a simple example. When we create an experiment with 100 nodes, it is an arduous labor to collect all the IPs of that number, connect to each node, install TensorFlow and run the script in all nodes. Therefore, the present state of Emulab is almost impossible to use for deep learning. This research proposes and implements
Method name | Description |
Emulearner() | Constructs a new |
node_count(int | Set the |
epoch_count(int | Set the |
training_path(String | Set the |
learning-file(String | Set the |
account(String | Set the |
Learning() | Start the learning |
Fig. 9 illustrates how easily a researcher utilizes Emulab by using
Now, we will explain the implementation of the library. The library eliminated all user interactions described in the previous section and almost everything is implemented in
The last function, __
This section shows how much user time our library can save. We obtained the user interaction overhead in Section III by teaching ten graduate students how to use Emulab, then repeatedly experimenting ten times and measuring the average time spent in each step. We measured the average of the library's overhead by repeating ten times. Due to the availability of KREONet Emulab, we have actually created up to ten nodes. We designed a formula to predict the time required to generate a larger number of nodes.
Table 2 compares the step-by-step overhead between web UI and
Step | Web UI (s) | Emulearner automation (s) | Proportional | Variable |
Emulab log-in & experiment description | 33.88 | 5.02 | Experiment | LE |
Node addition | 1.18 | 0.30 | Node | NA |
Node creation | 103.40 | 103.40 | Experiment | NC |
IP check | 6.73 | 0.39 | Node | IP |
Package installation command | 16.40 | 0.12 | Node | PC |
Package installation | 369.19 | 369.19 | Node | PI |
Script editing | 4.45 | 0.07 | Node | SE |
TensorFlow command | 18.77 | 0.12 | Node | TC |
Total overhead | 81.41 | 6.02 | - | TO |
Total preparation | 554.00 | 478.61 | - | TP |
Interestingly, when we created one to ten nodes, there was little difference in node creation time. We assume that Emulab is configured to load multiple nodes in parallel. So node creation time can be said to be proportionate to experiment, not the number of nodes.
The reason for entering the package installation command and TensorFlow command for each node is slightly longer than expected is that the overhead of logging in to each node using software such as putty is included [14]. Script editing overhead is a per node value. That is, if a researcher enters ten IPs, we expect the editing will take about 4.45 seconds.
The total overhead value is the net overhead time excluding node creation and package installation time, and the total preparation is the total time taken before the start of the learning. However, this time is for configuring only one node’s environment. If the number of nodes increases, the total overhead and total preparation time increase because the proportional overhead increases linearly.
By using
Based on the experimental results described above, we created formulas to predict the total overhead and the total preparation. We grouped steps that are proportional to the number of nodes,
The new formulas with real numbers are shown below.
The overhead and preparation time required to create up to 100 nodes are shown in Fig. 11. It seems that TO(lib) does not increase even if the number of nodes increases. This means that there is almost no extra overhead all the time. More importantly, TO(user) is the overhead that users need to spend, whereas TO(lib) is the overhead that the library spends for automation. That is, through
Emulab is a research framework actively used in various studies. We proposed an efficient method to use Emulab for deep learning. Using the existing web interface, each experiment required approximately 47 seconds of user overhead per node. This means that it is difficult to use Emulab for deep learning with many nodes.
To solve this problem, we proposed and implemented a library, called
For the future research, we will provide various neural networks that a user can select the neural network users want. In addition, we are developing libraries that can be used in various fields such as security.
received the B.E. degree in computer engineering from Hannam University, Daejeon, Korea in 2017. Where he is now a master course student. His current research interests include information security about virtualization utilizing Emulab, detecting evasive malware about virtual environment.
received the B.E. and M.E. degrees in Computer Engineering Department from Kyungpook National University, Korea in 1995 and 1997, respectively, and the Ph.D. degree from the Department of Computer Science and Engineering Texas A&M University, in 2008. He is currently an associative professor at Hannam University in Korea, His interests include system/network security, AI security, secure computing architecture, secure cluster computing.
Journal of information and communication convergence engineering 2018; 16(4): 235-241
Published online December 31, 2018
Copyright © Korea Institute of Information and Communication Engineering.
Gi-Beom Song and Man-Hee Lee
Hannam University
Recently, deep learning has been actively studied and applied in various fields even to novel writing and painting in ways we could not imagine before. A key feature is that high-performance computing device, especially CUDA-enabled GPU, supports this trend. Researchers who have difficulty accessing such systems fall behind in this fast-changing trend. In this study, we propose and implement a library called Emulearner that helps users to utilize Emulab with ease. Emulab is a research framework equipped with up to thousands of nodes developed by the University of Utah. To use Emulab nodes for deep learning requires a lot of human interactions, however. To solve this problem, Emulearner completely automates operations from authentication of Emulab log-in, node creation, configuration of deep learning to training. By installing Emulearner with a legitimate Emulab account, users can focus on their research on deep learning without hassle.
Keywords: Deep Learning, Distributed Learning, Emulab
Artificial intelligence is intelligence created by a machine whereby a computer enables human learning, thinking, and self-development so that it has a similar intelligence than a person [1]. In order to create such an artificial intelligence, artificial neural network is utilized to imitate the decision process of the human brain.
To create a sophisticated artificial neural network, the data is repeatedly computed according to the layer of the artificial neural network to improve the accuracy. For this reason, graphical processing units (GPUs) that perform simple operations with a larger number of cores show faster learning time than CPUs that perform sequential operations using a limited number of cores. However, if there are only GPUs without CUDA, one cannot but use CPU. Even in an environment that depends on the CPU, the learning time can be shortened by constructing the cluster environment and performing the learning in parallel. However, not everyone can build a parallel/distributed environment on his or her own.
To solve these problems, one can use cloud-based machine learning services like Amazon Web Service (AWS) Deep Learning AMI (Amazon Machine Image), Microsoft Azure Machine Learning, IBM Watson, and Google Cloud Machine Learning Engine [2-5]. AWS Deep Learning AMI helps users run various deep learning applications by providing many open source deep learning frameworks such as Apache MXnet, TensorFlow, Microsoft Cognitive Toolkit (CNTK), Caffe, Caffe2, Theano, Torch, Keras, etc. Azure Machine Learning uses the drag-and-drop approach, not necessary to typing commands. In IBM Watson equipped with many tools like TensorFlow, Keras, PyTorch, and Caffe, users can also compose their own neural networks via the drag-and-drop user interface. The biggest advantage of Google Cloud Machine Learning Engine is to train learning models by using other Google services such as Google Cloud Storage, Dataflow, and Datalab. In addition, by using hyperparameter tuning, the selection of important parameters that affect the machine learning algorithm performance can be optimized. However, since these free functions of the services are limited, it costs a lot to solve real problems using all the functions and resources of the service.
To alleviate this burden, we propose to use Emulab, which was proposed and implemented at the University of Utah and is currently in use throughout the world as a research framework [6]. KREONet in Korea has also built and operated an Emulab, and it has been used in education and research [7]. Emulab provides on-demand allocation of the OS environment and network settings that users want using hundreds of PCs and high-performance network switches. Users who already have an account in Emulab can use the cluster by allocating resources for a short time without having to build their own physical clusters.
However, the use of Emulab in the area of deep learning needs a lot of human interactions because researchers need to configure all nodes separately for every experiment. It is almost impossible to use Emulab as is. To solve this problem, we propose and implement a user library, called
This paper is organized as follows. Section II briefly describes TensorFlow. Section III explains in details how to use Emulab for deep learning. Section IV describes the implementation of
TensorFlow is an open source machine learning library developed by the Google brain team for the purpose of studying machine learning and deep neural network [8, 9]. The TensorFlow library provides two distributed learning techniques called Data and Model parallelism. The Data parallelism divides training data and shares parameters. The Model replicas send to a parameter server the slope gained from each train. The parameter server that receives the slope data merges and updates the slope data, allowing the model replicas to update the new parameter data. The cycle in which data must be transferred between different devices is longer than the Model parallelism, and each replica can learn independently of other replicas.
In contrast, the Model parallelism method divides the parameters and shares the training data among nodes. In this model, the weight needed for computation during forward and back propagation must be communicated through the machine. Therefore, it is considered that the Model parallelism is suitable for an environment where data is exchanged between GPU devices rather than network-based data exchange. Therefore, in our study, we chose the Data parallelism because the KREONet Emulab exchanges data by using network.
This section describes how to use Emulab for deep learning resource pool. Especially, we describe the procedure for using TensorFlow, which many people use for deep learning, in many nodes of Emulab. This procedure will be helpful for people who use TensorFlow in Emulab in the future, but it is also the reason why we developed the library we propose in this study.
The steps for using Emulab are as follows: obtain an Emulab account; request the necessary resources using the Emulab web GUI; connect to the reserved nodes, and run Tensorflow. For an Emulab account, a researcher needs to find a preferred Emulab system and sends a request to its administrator. After the request is granted, he or she will get an ID.
The procedure for requesting the necessary resources through the Emulab web GUI is as follows. First, the researcher visits the Emulab web page and starts by logging in with the ID and password. Emulab allocates resources in experiment units, so the researcher needs to create an experiment by clicking “Begin an Experiment” as shown in Fig. 1. The experiment creation page appears (Fig. 2). Then, it is necessary to select Project and enter the experiment name and a brief description. According to our measurements, researchers spend an average of 38.88 seconds from visiting Emulab web page to inputting the experiment’s description.
The next step is to click on the NetBuild GUI to draw the nodes with their operating systems, and the network topology. On the left, node and LAN are the resources to choose from (Fig. 3). The researcher will drag and drop as many nodes and LAN as he wants into the central pane. Then, when he clicks a component and drags it to another component, a direct link is formed between the two components, so he connects the components until he configures the desired topology. Learning performance may vary depending on the topology, but because the topic is out of the scope of this study, we only add nodes without a topology. IP is still assigned even if no topology is used, and it can be accessed internally or externally. According to our measurements, the time required to add one node is 1.19 seconds on average, and the total overhead increases proportionally as the number of nodes increases.
Then, when the researcher clicks on the bottom right “create experiment”, Emulab finds available nodes, loads the operating system, and allocates new IPs. When the experiment creation is complete, the experiment becomes active and is now ready to access each node. Note that, as the number of active experiments continues to increase, all resources will be eventually assigned and new experiments will no longer be possible. To prevent this, Emulab recovers all resources that were assigned to the experiment kept idle for a certain period of time and changes the state of the experiment to inactive. Emulab calls it swap-out. Conversely, it is called swap-in to reallocate resources required for an inactive experiment by a user's request.
The reason why Emulab’s swap-out and swap-in is related to this study is that each researcher must visit Emulab homepage using a web browser to log in and create a new experiment or reactivate an existing experiment at every deep learning experiment. This means that the human's configuration overhead occurs every time because the researcher needs a visual interaction with a keyboard or mouse for each experiment. This is a significant inconvenience to researchers when conducting many experiments simultaneously or sequentially.
The next step is to visit each node and prepare to install TensorFlow. For this, the researcher collects first newly-allocated IP information.
The researcher clicks on an active experiment’s link to see a list of reserved nodes (Fig. 4). By clicking a node ID link, he can see the details of the selected node (Fig. 5). According to our measurements, it takes about 6.73 seconds to check the IP of one node and copy and paste it to an editor program, and the total overhead increases proportionally as the number of nodes increases.
Note that IP allocation cannot be predicted in advance because it depends on the IP available when generating experiments. If a swap-out experiment is swapped in, the number of nodes, the network topology, and the operating system version are the same, but the IP is newly allocated. In other words, the researcher must check the IP every time a new experiment is performed, and the IP information collection time increases in proportion to the number of nodes.
The next thing to do is to install the TensorFlow package on each node. Because Emulab loads a clean operating system image, all necessary tools must be installed by the researcher. According to the TensorFlow installation manual, it is necessary to install python-dev and python-pip [10, 11]. python-dev is a package containing the header files needed to build Python extensions, and python-pip is a package management system for managing and installing software packages written in Python. Fig. 6 shows the TensorFlow installation command.
The time required to log in to a node and enter the above setup command takes an average of 16.40 seconds. This is the time to enter the install command, not the installation time. Since this task has to be repeated in all nodes, the working time increases in proportion to the number of nodes. The important thing is that in Emulab’s swap-out and swapin process, all the information installed on each node disappears and the clean image is reloaded. The overhead of entering this script is repeated at the number of nodes at every experiment.
At this point, we found that in using Emulab for deep learning, researchers would not find it useful to reuse existing experiments that were swapped out. The reason for this is that swap-in has almost no advantages over a new creation of experiment, because all the information installed on each node disappears and the clean image is reloaded during swap-out and swap-in. Other studies that use Emulab often compare network topologies, so reconfiguring swap-in nodes may occasion less overhead than redrawing the network topology. However, for data parallelism in deep learning, topology is not important, only IP is necessary. Also, it is beneficial to visit the Emulab web page and use the available nodes as much as possible to get the training done quickly. Therefore, it is not necessary to use an experiment with a specific number of nodes. So, from now on, we assume that both researchers and libraries will create new experiments instead of using swap-out ones.
The data needed for experiment is uploaded to Emulab’s file server only once and all nodes share it. Therefore, we do not consider the file upload overhead.
The next step for running TensorFlow adds the assigned IP and port number to the TensorFlow script. Port numbers can be any available port number, since these systems are clean OS, so any port greater than 1023 is not a big problem. For example, Fig. 7 is part of the TensorFlow script used in this study. Five nodes were allocated as one for parameter server and four nodes for worker nodes. Since this file is shared by all nodes, this editing is performed once for each experiment. The time to add one IP information using the editor is on average 4.45 seconds, and the editing time increases as the number of nodes increases.
Training starts by running the program edited above with the appropriate option as shown in Fig. 8. The time to visit each node and input the execution script is about 18.77 seconds, and the start overhead is proportional to the number of nodes since all nodes must be visited.
In the previous section, we showed that there are various overheads to utilize Emulab for deep learning. Although detailed overhead analysis will be described in the next section, let us take a simple example. When we create an experiment with 100 nodes, it is an arduous labor to collect all the IPs of that number, connect to each node, install TensorFlow and run the script in all nodes. Therefore, the present state of Emulab is almost impossible to use for deep learning. This research proposes and implements
Method name | Description |
Emulearner() | Constructs a new |
node_count(int | Set the |
epoch_count(int | Set the |
training_path(String | Set the |
learning-file(String | Set the |
account(String | Set the |
Learning() | Start the learning |
Fig. 9 illustrates how easily a researcher utilizes Emulab by using
Now, we will explain the implementation of the library. The library eliminated all user interactions described in the previous section and almost everything is implemented in
The last function, __
This section shows how much user time our library can save. We obtained the user interaction overhead in Section III by teaching ten graduate students how to use Emulab, then repeatedly experimenting ten times and measuring the average time spent in each step. We measured the average of the library's overhead by repeating ten times. Due to the availability of KREONet Emulab, we have actually created up to ten nodes. We designed a formula to predict the time required to generate a larger number of nodes.
Table 2 compares the step-by-step overhead between web UI and
Step | Web UI (s) | Emulearner automation (s) | Proportional | Variable |
Emulab log-in & experiment description | 33.88 | 5.02 | Experiment | LE |
Node addition | 1.18 | 0.30 | Node | NA |
Node creation | 103.40 | 103.40 | Experiment | NC |
IP check | 6.73 | 0.39 | Node | IP |
Package installation command | 16.40 | 0.12 | Node | PC |
Package installation | 369.19 | 369.19 | Node | PI |
Script editing | 4.45 | 0.07 | Node | SE |
TensorFlow command | 18.77 | 0.12 | Node | TC |
Total overhead | 81.41 | 6.02 | - | TO |
Total preparation | 554.00 | 478.61 | - | TP |
Interestingly, when we created one to ten nodes, there was little difference in node creation time. We assume that Emulab is configured to load multiple nodes in parallel. So node creation time can be said to be proportionate to experiment, not the number of nodes.
The reason for entering the package installation command and TensorFlow command for each node is slightly longer than expected is that the overhead of logging in to each node using software such as putty is included [14]. Script editing overhead is a per node value. That is, if a researcher enters ten IPs, we expect the editing will take about 4.45 seconds.
The total overhead value is the net overhead time excluding node creation and package installation time, and the total preparation is the total time taken before the start of the learning. However, this time is for configuring only one node’s environment. If the number of nodes increases, the total overhead and total preparation time increase because the proportional overhead increases linearly.
By using
Based on the experimental results described above, we created formulas to predict the total overhead and the total preparation. We grouped steps that are proportional to the number of nodes,
The new formulas with real numbers are shown below.
The overhead and preparation time required to create up to 100 nodes are shown in Fig. 11. It seems that TO(lib) does not increase even if the number of nodes increases. This means that there is almost no extra overhead all the time. More importantly, TO(user) is the overhead that users need to spend, whereas TO(lib) is the overhead that the library spends for automation. That is, through
Emulab is a research framework actively used in various studies. We proposed an efficient method to use Emulab for deep learning. Using the existing web interface, each experiment required approximately 47 seconds of user overhead per node. This means that it is difficult to use Emulab for deep learning with many nodes.
To solve this problem, we proposed and implemented a library, called
For the future research, we will provide various neural networks that a user can select the neural network users want. In addition, we are developing libraries that can be used in various fields such as security.
Method name | Description |
Emulearner() | Constructs a new |
node_count(int | Set the |
epoch_count(int | Set the |
training_path(String | Set the |
learning-file(String | Set the |
account(String | Set the |
Learning() | Start the learning |
Step | Web UI (s) | Emulearner automation (s) | Proportional | Variable |
Emulab log-in & experiment description | 33.88 | 5.02 | Experiment | LE |
Node addition | 1.18 | 0.30 | Node | NA |
Node creation | 103.40 | 103.40 | Experiment | NC |
IP check | 6.73 | 0.39 | Node | IP |
Package installation command | 16.40 | 0.12 | Node | PC |
Package installation | 369.19 | 369.19 | Node | PI |
Script editing | 4.45 | 0.07 | Node | SE |
TensorFlow command | 18.77 | 0.12 | Node | TC |
Total overhead | 81.41 | 6.02 | - | TO |
Total preparation | 554.00 | 478.61 | - | TP |
Jung-Hee Seo*, Member, KIICE
Journal of information and communication convergence engineering 2024; 22(1): 56-63 Lee, Hyogyeong Park, Yeonhwi You, Sungjung Yong, and Il-Young Moon, Member, KIICE
Journal of information and communication convergence engineering 2023; 21(4): 346-350 Hwang, Si-Yeon Pak, Jin-Ho Chung, Daehwan Kim, and Yongwan Kim, Member, KIICE
Journal of information and communication convergence engineering 2023; 21(4): 300-305