The Korea Institute of Information and Commucation Engineering 2003; 1(3): 147-149
Published online September 1, 2003
© Korea Institute of Information and Communication Engineering
Recently, many kinds of XML based application services are widely used in internet. And the markets for mathml editor are needed for the technology combined with other text editor. We are developing a system for MathML based browser and editor for the service of internet application. MathML based browser is applicable for e-book service and many kinds of document system. This system is composed of document editing module and displaying processing module. This system is useful for the processing of MathML tag by unexperienced users with MathML syntax. Users can edit the math tag's document with ease and efficiently. Based on XML, many parser functions are optimized for the speed of document processing. This system can afford to the development of internet world.
Keywords e-book service, MathML document editor, XML
The Korea Institute of Information and Commucation Engineering 2003; 1(3): 147-149
Published online September 1, 2003
Copyright © Korea Institute of Information and Communication Engineering.
Kim, Sung-Han;Min, Jae-Hong;Jung, Hoe-Gyung;
Computer Engineering Department of Kwangwoon University, Industrial Engineering from Korea University, Computer Engineering from Kwangwoon Univ.
Recently, many kinds of XML based application services are widely used in internet. And the markets for mathml editor are needed for the technology combined with other text editor. We are developing a system for MathML based browser and editor for the service of internet application. MathML based browser is applicable for e-book service and many kinds of document system. This system is composed of document editing module and displaying processing module. This system is useful for the processing of MathML tag by unexperienced users with MathML syntax. Users can edit the math tag's document with ease and efficiently. Based on XML, many parser functions are optimized for the speed of document processing. This system can afford to the development of internet world.
Keywords: e-book service, MathML document editor, XML
Kim, Chang-Su;Jung, Hoe-Kyung;
The Korea Institute of Information and Commucation Engineering 2012; 10(3): 258-263, Yang-Weon;
The Korea Institute of Information and Commucation Engineering 2003; 1(3): 143-146